Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Meaning of Life

An article in the 'Mind your Body' newspaper today spurred me to jot down some thoughts here. The headline states 'Life before Death' and followed by a short yet inspirational sentence 'Sometimes, knowing you have a terminal illness isn' the end of life. It could be the beginning of living.' This leads me to question "What is the meaning of life?".

I remembered back in my University days when I was studying Philosophy and we touched on this topic which got many of us interested and curious to find out the interpretation in philosophical terms. This has also led me to do a term paper during my Uni first year. (I was proud to say that I got a distinction for this too.) :) Well, so much for digressing.

Before we indulge into knowing "the meaning of Life" we need to understand Life itself. How do we differentiate between a mortal (living being) and an immobile material (having no Life within)? For this we need to start from the beginning of the Cosmos itself... The time of the big bang! (I shall not dive into that as it will be a long story, trust me). Here is an article which has a good philosophical explaination on the meaning of life -

When we realised that our life journey is coming to an end (due to a terminal illness), in general, most of the time, we tend to give up and leave our hands in the fate of God while for some, we enjoy ourselves till our last breathe, live life as if there shall not be another day. Afterall, I agree that everybody will have to go one day, but coming to terms with it, I find it rather hard to swallow.

I applaud Mr Mohammad Abdooh - the person mentioned in this article. Mr Mohammad Abdooh has advanced lung cancer, but he remains determined to live life fully and fight the disease. He has also done a first of his third 60-second film termed 'Last Days of Mohammad Abdooh' on the website ( In it, he said "I have to continue to live and fight cancer for my lovely wife."

How many of us can actually do that when faced with this death sentence? Sad to said, I honestly can't, maybe not for the time being. Sound passive as I may be, but I have yet to come to grasp with this 'Life before death' matter. And that is why I applaud and salute Mr Mohammad Abdooh for his courage and determination to fight his disease and pray that a miracle will happen.

One day, I hope to wake up to an 'Eureka' and find a cure to all this. Hopefully that day will come soon........


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I agree with that fictional computer that stated: "Life has no meaning. Only intelligent machinery has any importance on a cosmic scale!"
But I'm really trying hard to see some meaning in our organic lifes as individuals, family and people...
Anyway, our life is build one day at the time. It is interesting to wake up everyday and ask yourself: "What I'm going to do about my life today?" Thinking about this question without forget love, leisure and friendship.
At the very ending life is for living, and must be lived now, as tomorrow may be too late. (:

Ps.: Sorry about my poor english.

LilianQ said...

Life has no meaning - this perception of whether there is a meaning to life boils down to how you want to live your life everyday.

Human beings find purpose in their life through the normal dreads and drudgery of life. We eat, sleep, work and play and the same cycle repeats itself everyday. So it's how we want to make our life exciting, adding that tiny pinch of pepper to it to spice up the day and from it, seek the real purpose of what life can bring. Of course, this is where love, family and friendship comes into place too.

You can be a husband to your wife, a child to your parent, a brother to your siblings, a confidante to your friend, a lover to your girlfriend, a colleague to your peers etc. Human beings in that sense play an important role in this chain. The different roles that we play add a significant impact to the meaning in our life as individuals, family, friends and to people around us.

It's always good to be able to wake up in the morning and see and hear the familiar faces and sounds surrounding you.

Life can be great sometimes, but not a bed of roses for sure. It's good to get prick sometimes, pick up from there and move on. That is what life should be (at least for me).

Take care pal! And no worries about the English. :)