Friday, November 16, 2007

I remembered you, do you?

I salute Facebook and the guys who invented it! I really think they deserved a place in the history of geniuses who invented this great piece of work.

I happened to bump into the profiles of primary school buddies, secondary school friends, college mates, pubbing kakis, bus mates (yes, bus mates!) and friends whom I have not seen for ages. I am talking about friends whom we have lost touch since the age of 12??!! Yes, it's really amazing to see how everybody has grown. I could hardly recognize their pictures, but somehow, you can sense it's that person all right.

Some people might disagree that Facebook is just a flash in the pan and very soon the fickle minded 17-25 year old market will jump on the next thing that comes along. Just a novelty?? Well, I don't really care if this were to happen. I am just glad to have found the friends whom I have lost touch with and I really hope to meet up with them again.

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