Monday, June 25, 2007

Runner's Dilemma?

I did not know what got into me but I was up at 5am this morning to do a solid 1 hour run around my neighbourhood. It seems the body was kind of awakened by a call to 'Get up, get out and RUN'. To many people, they would rather catch up on that few extra hours of sleep on a Monday morning rather than hitting the pavement and perspiring at 5am in the morning.

The air was refreshing, no traffic, my body and legs were feeling good and yes, it was an awesome run and definitely a good one. I was reading one of a runner's blog and came across what he called a runner's dilema? What exactly is the runner's dilema? He must run, no matter what shape or situation he is in. The dilemma is finding a resolution despite being older, fatter, slower than when running was graceful. How true this is.

Also ever heard of the Runner's High? For those of you unfamiliar with the runner’s high, I would encourage you to seek it out as part of your training. It’s a mental state of relaxation partnered with a mild pain cessation that occurs after 60-90 minutes of steady exercise. I find it truly euphoric, setting me in a state of eternal optimism that can last hours after a run......

Now for some good breakfast!!! :)

1 comment:

A said...

I caught up with your blog, and smiled. I'm the one plodding and plotting through the runner's dilemma. Interesting to read -- Singapore is so far from Chicago, but the need to lace up and hit the road is universal.

The late George Sheehan, in various columns for Runner's World Magazine, would often say that first 20 minutes are for the body. The next 20 minutes are for the mind. But the last 20 minutes are for the soul.

Your post caused me to think through what I meant -- what is a runner's dilemma? Each runner runs for different reasons, but for me, it is for the run itself. I have goals, but they are secondary to the joy of the run.

Runner's Dilemma, Part I

Enjoy! (Now, my coffee's brewed, and it is time to pour. My run is scheduled for this evening.)

Anthony Trendl
Glen Ellyn, IL